- 目標{もくひょう}[目的{もくてき}]を達成{たっせい}するための権力{けんりょく}の行使{こうし}
use of power to achieve the aim 意味
- "use of pesticides" 意味
- "use of pharmacologic therapy" 意味
- "use of placebos" 意味
- "use of power" 意味
- "use of power for cruel and selfish ends" 意味
- "use of prepositions" 意味
- "use of pressure from outside" 意味
- "use of right" 意味
- "use of robots in production" 意味
- "use of power" 意味
- "use of power for cruel and selfish ends" 意味
- "use of prepositions" 意味
- "use of pressure from outside" 意味